APStudent.com VI. The Mexican-American War The U.S. wanted California Polk had Taylor and the U.S. army bild a fort in disputed area between Nueces & Rio Grand Mexicans attacked fort Brown, Taylor counterattacked Northern phase of war Zachary Taylor attacked Northern Mexico and lost Santa Anna at Buena Vista - 1847 Polk concerned about Taylor's popularity, replaced him with Winfield Scott Southern phase of war Scott marched on Mexico City, seized it Stephen Kirne seized California Mexicans won first battle Kirne joined with fleet at coast, marched on San Fransisco John C. Freemont Part of Kirne's group Made a "republic" of himself and a few hundred friends Declared California independent Made an excuse for U.S. to claim California Feb. 1848 - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico ceded northern territories to U.S. for $15 million