APStudent.com III. Revolutionary War Two main conflicts for colonies: Achive home rule Decide who would rule at home After Lexington & Concord battles, King George declared colonies in rebellion Olive Branch Petition Colonies offered to be loyal if Crown fixed grievances Britain sent no reply British hired German troops - Hessians Britain built up Boston blockade "Common Sense" pamphlet Influenced Americans towards independence Spoke against monarchy July 2, 1776 - Motion of Virginia Virginia moved that colonies declare themselves independent July 4, 1776 - Declaration of Independence Justified the Revolution Nov. 1777 - Articles of Confederation Foreign military experts aided the Colonials: Baron von Steuben Marquis de Lafayette France aided colonies with money and weapons France hoped a colonial victory would help them regain Canada Spring 1776 - Washington sent to Boston to break blockade Continental army about one-third the size of British army Benedict Arnold - Siege of Quebec Ethan Allen Took Ft. Ticonderoga and Crown Point Prevented British attack down Hudson River to New York Stole cannons, which Washington took to Boston British evacuated Boston, but took New York New York was a haven for Loyalists Became center of British operations Gen. Howe (British) chased Washington around New England until winter Battle of Saratoga - Gen. Bergoyne (British) defeated Gen. Howe turned over command to George Clinton Winter 1776 - Washington crossed Delaware River Dec. 26, 1776 - Washington launched surprise attack on British Day after Christmas, British were still too drunk to fight well 1777 - British realized they could not acheive quick victory New plan - split colonies in half from New York 1777 - Adams and Franklin sought and received more aid from France 1778 - British switched their attention to the South British expected to find Loyalists in South, but didn't Cornwallis and Clinton (British) vs. Nathaniel Green (Continental) British spent most of their time wandering around the South looking for the Continental Army Dec. 1778 - British captured Savannah 1780 - British captured Charleston Clinton went back to New York Cornwallis marched to Virginia, headed towards New York Yorktown - Cornwallis became trapped there Cornwallis decided to dig in and wait for naval reinforcement French navy (lead by DeGrasse) blocked his escape Oct. 19, 1781 - Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown Franklin, Adams, and John Jay in France France wanted Canada and Gibraltar for Spain Continental delegates left discussion France received only Guadelupe from the Revolutionary War Treaty of Paris (1783) Recognized colonies' independence Granted colonies territory from Canada to Florida, Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River No reparations (penalties) for war Aftermath of Revolutionary War American Indians lost all support from British Loyalists were transported to Nova Scotia, where many died Most of America's ruling class (landed elite, associated with Crown) left colonies Tradesmen and professionals (mostly lawyers) moved into leadership roles First stirring of abolitionism and suffrage First move towards manufacturing/industry within the colonies State governments created Most had weak executive branch, religious freedom Property was required to vote Massachusetts - first constitution with direct election of governor Some states outlawed slavery (Pennsylvania and Massachusetts) Articles of Confederation Federal government controlled war and foreign policy and issued money Federal government could not regulate trade, draft troops, or levy taxes Each state had 1 vote in government, 9 had to agree for majority Ohio Valley - an Articles of Confederation success Claimed by New York, Massachusetts, and Virginia Federal government convinced all three to give up their claims States agreed not to claim land west of the Appalachians Under Articles of Confed., federal government controlled land in Ohio Valley Northwest Ordinance Federal government carved up Ohio Valley, planned development, sold land Criteria for statehood - population of 60,000 and a petition Indian removal program in the Appalachians Creek War (1790) Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) Anthony Wayne defeated Indian coalition Shay's Rebellion - an Articles of Confederation failure 1786 - Shay wanted tax and debt relief, more money Federal government had trouble raising army to put down rebellion 1787 - Shay defeated in battle, but some of his demands were enacted Washington felt that country needed a new government Annapolis Convention Five states attended Recommended that all states meet and find ways to improve Articles of Confed. Washington supported motion Constitutional Convention (May - Sept. 1787) All states except Rhode Island attended Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan Great Compromise, 3/5 Clause Bill of Rights was discussed but not included in final draft Short terms for House of Rep. members (2 years), long terms for Senate (6 years), President's term in the middle (4 years) Ratification Conventions (1788) Constitution sent out to each state to ratify Conventions were held by the people of the state, not the state legislatures Antifederalists opposed the Constitution Antifeds in New York and Virginia opposed it Federalists promised to add a Bill of Rights to get ratification Rhode Island was last state to ratify (only 9 states needed for majority) 12 Amendments passed (only 10 ratified) - Bill of Rights Judiciary Act of 1789 - created federal judiciary Cabinet created - Sec. of State, Sec. of War, Sec. of Treasury, Attorney General, Postmaster Bond issue - how to pay off war debt Question was whether to repay bonds at face value Hamilton wanted bonds paid at face value Hamilton - leader of Federalists, also favored tariffs, excise tax on whiskey Whiskey Rebellion Western farmers in Penn. refused to pay whiskey tax Washington led militia to put down rebellion Much easier to put down than Shay's rebellion, thanks to Constitution giving federal government more power New states - Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee Foreign affairs under Washington French-English war - U.S. remained neutral Jay's Treaty Took no action against British attacks on neutral American ships Very unpopular because it was amicable to England Pickney's Treaty (1795, with Spain) Gave U.S. transport rights on Mississippi River Allowed U.S. to store goods in New Orleans Election of 1796 Southern Federalists didn't support Hamilton, Northern Federalists didn't support Pickney John Adams (Federalist) elected Downfall of Federalists Adam's repressive laws Alien Act - discouraged immigration Sedition Act - got a few news reporters arrested XYZ Affair U.S. Ambassador to France turned away France would only talk to him in exchange for bribes Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Prompted by Alien and Sedition Acts Said that states could nullify federal laws Fights in Congress over Alien and Sedition Acts, other partisan issues "Tongs incident" - a Federalist congressman from Connecticut and an Antifederalist from Vermont attacked each other with cane and fireplace tongs during a heated debate