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Post-Civil War America Post-Civil War U.S. Strong, unified national government Large army and munitions Aggressive, restless population Before Civil War: New England and South discouraged westward expansion Each tried to hinder other's access to west After Civil War: Displaced populations moving out west Northerners returning from army Southerners who lost homes in war Former slaves Native American tribes in the southwest Generally weaker than the old eastern tribes (except for Pueblos) U.S.'s weaponry had advanced Tribes were not a great threat to settlers Mexican population in the southwest Only tiny settlements Quickly displaced by Americans Treaty of Guadelupe Hildago Recognized Mexican property rights in U.S.-owned territories Not upheld by local governments New American land claims upheld over old Mexican claims Chinese migration to west Union Pacific Railroad recruited workers in China Chinese importations was cheap and they worked for low wages Chinese emmigrants harrassed by Americans Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Banned Chinese immigration for 10 years Barred Chinese in the U.S. from citizenship Renewed 1892, made permanent 1902 Result - companies started importing Japanese workers Increased immigration from Europe Civil wars, famine in Europe Eastern European immigration increased in particular Land acts promoted expansion Homestead Act (1862) Gave farmland to anyone who farmed it for 5 years Covered 160 acres of Great Plains farmland 400,000 people took advantage of it Desert Lands Act (1877) Gave cheap land to anyone who irrigated it During this time period Nevada and midwest states joined union Gold and silver mining 1858 - Silver discovered in Nevada Henry Comstock - Comstock lode Quickly became more profitable than California gold mining 1874 - Gold discovered in South Dakota Indian Wars (mostly in northern plains) Sioux Leaders: Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse Major battles: Battle of Little Big Horn, Wounded Knee Nezperce Leaders: Chief Joseph Major Battles: Battle of White Bird Canyon Apache Leaders: Cochise and Geronimo Economy of west Mining, farming, ranching Settlers had many problems; small farms often did not support families Expansion of industry in Ohio Valley and Chicago regions John D. Rockefeller - Standard Oil Co. in Ohio (1870) Cornelius Vanderbilt - consolidated railroads Andrew Carnegie - U.S. Steele Corp. Business benefitted from corporate structure Monopolies - vertical and horizontal consolidation Justification of wealthy/monopolies "Social Darwinism" Horatio Alger's rags-to-riches stories Carnegie's The Gospel of Wealth - philanthropism Henry George (1879) advocated single tax (income tax) Edward Bellamy wanted to organize society into small, rural communities Labor issues Child labor problem - campaign to take children out of workforce Labor unions (not associated with a single trade) appeared 1880s First union was American Federation of Labor (AFL) (1881) Wanted to take women and children out of workforce Samuel Gompers Pullman Co. labor dispute (1894) Pullman Co. worked like sharecropping 1894 - Pullman reduced wages, leading to riots Eugene V. Debs managed worker strike Grover Cleveland called in army to put it down Haymarket riots (1886) AFL called for strikes in Chicago Union members clashed with police Homestead strike (1892) Strike at U.S. Steele Corp. Similar circumstances to Pullman strike Carnegie brought in Pinkertons (rented cops) Rioters overwhelmed Pinkertons National Guard finally put down riots Early unions had little power Unions had not yet figured out that they needed political control Many union goals were not accomplished Only a small percentage of workers joined unions Urbanization - movement to the cities Causes: Rise of industry Transportation and sanitation improvements Technological advancements Skyscrapers Safe, durable, cheap, easy to build Louis Sullivan - built first skyscraper in Chicago 1884 Bessemer - steel production Otis - elevator Crapper - flush toilers Mass migration from East and South Either moved into cities or moved out west Immigration reached a peak Asian and Central/Eastern European Majority of city population were immigrants (Some American cities contained more people of a given nationality than could be found in the large cities of their home countries) Results: Progressives lamented loss of rural roots Urban problems Fires, sanitation problems, overcrowding, crime Sensationalist stories about city living led to move for reforms Mixing of foreign cultures - caused friction Many immigrants came from non-democratic nations Many immigrants were Catholics or other minority religions Rise of nativism American Protective Association (1887) Henry Bowers - founder Dedicated to stopping immigration Resurgance of Ku Klux Klan First appeared in Reconstruction South Revived in Midwest as anti-immigrant society Spread back to South in 20th century Growth of Political Machine Tammany Hall, Boss Tweed, George Plunkit Everything ran on political favors, inside information Favors exchanged for votes "Kickbacks" or bribes ("honest graft") Political machines worked well in big cities Took advantage of immigrants Votes traded for jobs, housing, etc. Many immigrants not used to democratic government Political machine was like feudal system of Eastern Europe Economics of the city Mass market Many people living and working in similar circumstances All these people need to buy the same things Mass production Started with mass-marketed food Mass-marketed clothing - department stores As a result of mass marketing and mass production, prices fell steadily from 1890-1940 Turn-of-the-century American culture Leisure time Baseball was popular, football just invented Theater - vaudeville, black minstrel shows Movies Invented by Edison 1900 First full-length movie - Birth of a Nation about the growth of the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War Mass communication Newspaper chains started by Pulitzer William Randolf Hearst - NY Times, brought comic strips to U.S. Yellow journalism - sensationalism Realism in art and literature Universal public education, schooling for women Republican split after Hayes' election Stalwarts - traditionalists, favored "machine" politics and favor-swapping Half-breeds - (half Democrat/half Republican), favored reforms Main policy of the Half-breeds was civil service reform Wanted to require tests for civil service positions Civil servants should be qualified and not just friends of politicians Election of 1880 Stalwart/Half-breed split caused deadlock at Republican convention Half-breeds chose James Garfield as president Stalwarts chose Chester Arthur as vice president Garfield assassinated, Arthur took over 1881 - Garfield shot by Charles Guiteau, angry over not getting a civil service job Arthur followed Garfield's policy of reform Pendleton Act Required written exams for some civil service jobs Expanded over time to cover all civil service jobs Election of 1884 - Cleveland (Dem.) vs. Blaine (Rep.) Republican's didn't support Arthur, chose James Blaine Half-breeds didn't support Blaine Mugwumps - Republicans who ditched the party and sided with Democrats for Grover Cleveland Grover Cleveland's reforms Wanted to do away with machine politics Vetoed legislation that served friends of legislators Worked for tariff reduction Thought less money in the government would make it less corrupt Election of 1888 - Cleveland (Dem.) vs. Harrison (Rep.) Main issue was tariff reduction Benjamin Harrison's campaign was probably most corrupt campaign in history Harrison lost popular vote, but carried electoral college vote in large states Legislation passed under Benjamin Harrison Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Largely symbolic, rarely enforced before 1900 More often used against unions than businesses McKinley Act (1890) Highest protective tariff ever in the U.S. Outraged public Caused many Republicans to be voted out of Congress Election of 1892 - Cleveland (Dem.) vs. Harrison (Rep.) vs. Weaver (People's Party) Cleveland won on a platform of lower tariffs More Cleveland reforms Wanted lower tariff (not passed by Congress) First income tax passed (Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional two years later) Granger laws, restrictions on railroads Passed by states to help farmers Supreme Court declared both unconstitutional Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Created Interstate Commerce Commission Set rates for interstate transport Railroads had been charging more for short-distance transport than long- Grange movement Oliver Kelley founded 1867 - farmers' society, men only Small farmers couldn't produce enough to survive Depression of 1873 Movement became more political Farmers blamed banks and railroads for economic problems Cooperatives Farmers organized cooperatives against the monopolies Cooperatives were effectively farm monopolies Grangers became dominant party in some state legislatures 1880 - Grangers replaced by Farmers' Alliances Much bigger movement, allowed women Chiefly cooperative and marketing movement Also served as a credit union 1889 - formation of People's Party North and South Farmers' Alliances merged and formed political party Also called the Populist movement Theory was that little guys should join together and use mass buying power to counteract monopolies Wanted 8-hour workday, rights for unions Against gold standard Wanted direct election of Senators Free Silver movement Connected to Populists, who favored inflation Grangers limited by rural outlook Did not join with urban labor unions Did not allow blacks Ignatius Donnelly - Populist leader (Fun fact! He was also known for publishing his extensive theories on the lost city of Atlantis.) 1893 Depression 1890s - cheap labor allowed middle class to live well but angered lower class Panic of 1893 Overexpansion of railroads and businesses led to bank failures Also, crop failure due to blizzard of 1888 Worst depression in history (except for 1929 crash) Wages cut due to depression Resulted in Pullman strike, Homestead strike Free silver debate revived Election of 1896 - McKinley (Rep.) vs. Bryant (Dem.) William McKinley - conservative, supported gold standard Democrats split - liberal Democrats adopted some of Populist platform Liberal democrats nominated William Jennings Bryant and Free Silver platform William Jennings Bryant - "Cross of Gold" speech for Free Silver Bryant had Democrat and Populist vote, but lost to McKinley Populists lost power after this election McKinley legislation Dingley Tariff - a high tariff Gold Standard Act Not much effect on economy - industry was already recovering on its own U.S. emerged as an international power U.S. had matured economically No more land on western frontier Imperialism was big in Europe - U.S. began looking for new land to acquire U.S. took a more active role in Latin America 1895 - U.S. intervened in dispute between Britain and Venezuela Venezuela owed debts to Britain U.S. invoked Monroe Doctrine to force Britain to leave Venezuela alone 1893 - Americans in Hawaii staged a revolution and asked for annexation Hawaii had become an important port due to trade with Japan and China Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii, but McKinley annexed it 1898 1899 - U.S. and Germany took joint control of the Samoan Islands Conflicts in Cuba 1895 - Civil War in Cuba Partly due to high U.S. tariffs on sugar, which damaged Cuban economy McKinley opposed Spanish rule in Cuba 1898 - Lome letter Spanish ambassador to U.S. gave insulting description of McKinley to Spanish government 1898 - Maine incident U.S. ship Maine blew up in Havana harbor April 1898 - U.S. declared war on Spain Spanish-American War U.S. invaded Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines George Dewey sank Spanish fleet in Manilla Bay Teddy Roosevelt had sent American fleet to Manilla Bay before war was officially declared Spanish ships were too old to sail Only one American casualty (he died of heat stroke) U.S. invaded Cuba Met little resistance Battle of San Juan Hill - Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders U.S. occupied Puerto Rico 1917 - Jones Act annexed Puerto Rico Made Puerto Rico a U.S. territory Made Puerto Ricans U.S. citizens Dec. 1898 - Treaty of Paris ended Spanish-American War Spain ceded to U.S. Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Cuba Protectorates Anti-Imperialist League Thought imperialism was immoral Felt that Latin Americans would pollute U.S. culture Cuba and Philippines Protectorates - U.S. territory but not U.S. citizens U.S. was only taking care of them until they became independent Guam Started as a military protectorate, later annexed 1901 - Platt Amendment Gave Cuba semi-independence U.S. still had control of Cuban foreign policy and right to intervene Philippino War Uprising against U.S. occupation Lasted 4 years, killed more Americans than entire Spanish-American War 1901 - William Taft became governor of the Philippines China U.S. insisted on open-door policy with China Gave all powers equal access to Chinese markets Prevented China from being carved up into European colonies All European powers agreed, except for Russia Boxer Rebellion (1900) - Uprising against the imperial family Progressive movement Rose out of Populism Reaction to Social Darwinism Wanted to humanize industry, take care of victims Leaders were old rich families displaced by new industry bosses Social Gospel People with money had a moral duty to care for the less fortunate Thought people were a result of their environment Wanted to create a better environment and thus improve people 1900 - Salvation Army founded Settlement House Movement founded by Jane Adams Tried to create a middle-class environment for the poor Muckracking journalism Exposed corruption, poor working conditions Lincoln Steffens - exposed corruption in big business Professionalism Progressives wanted everything run by people with expertise Believed there should standards for everything Professional licensing boards People had to take tests and become certified for certain jobs 1901 - American Medical Association formed Bar Association formed to certify lawyers National Association of Manufacturers Municipal reform - clean up cities Secret ballot Prevented political bosses from tracking their constituents' votes Replace city bosses with professional city managers Tom Johnson - reform mayor of Cleveland Hazen Pingree - Detroit Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones - Toledo Reforms spread to state governments in 1910s Restrictions on lobbyists Woodrow Wilson - reform governor of New Jersey Robert LaFollette - Wisconsin Labor unions joined Progressive bandwagon 1911 - Triangle Shirtwaist fire Used as an example of unsafe working conditions Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Womens Rights Progressives believed everyone should have an equal chance in life Women began entering professions Women's associations formed around professions Colored Women's National Association - first black women's group Many associations had pension funds - model for Social Security Women's Suffrage Movement Pitch was that women would all vote for reforms and human interests 1910 - various states gave women the right to vote Started on west coast with Washington, gradually spread east 1920 - 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote Beginning of Civil Rights movement Niagra Movement (1905) - precurser to NAACP Booker T. Washington W.E.B. du Bois - founded NAACP in 1909 Wanted blacks to educate themselves, get better jobs, integrate into white society Temperance movement 1873 - Women's Christian Temperance Union Anti-Saloon League, run by Carry Nation, merged with WCTU WCTU was largest women's organization in U.S. Major influence in women's suffrage movement 1920 - 18th Amendment - Prohibition Immigration restrictions Scientific criminalism Said that moral and intellectual traits were related to physical traits such as race Madison Grant - The Passing of the Great Race Lamented cross-breeding between whites and "inferior" races Immigrants believed to be morally inferior, so removing them would improve environment for Americans Dillingham Report On scientific criminalism, recommended restricting immigration Big business opposed immigration restriction Immigrants provided cheap labor Socialist movement 1900 - American Socialist Party formed Led by Eugene V. Debs Won many elections, but no federal positions International Workers of the World (IWW, or Wobblies) Socialist labor union Louis Brandeis Thought business and government were gettng too big Became Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court Socialist movements killed by World War I Teddy Roosevelt and reforms at national level 1901 - McKinley assassinated by Leon Czolgosz Teddy Roosevelt became president TR was a popular war hero with a progressive outlook Trust-busting TR used Sherman Anti-trust Act against big business, railroads, banks Support for labor TR used federal government to aid unions 1902 - United Mine Workers' strike (Anthracite Coal strike) TR suggested impartial federal arbitration Mine workers refused, but TR threatened to send in troops Election of 1904 - TR elected with little opposition Square Deal TR's plan to limit big business and help the working man Interstate Commerce Commission regulated railroads 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act TR wanted additional reforms, but conservatives in Congress wouldn't pass them Conservationism National Park system created to preserve western lands John Muir - founder of Sierra Club Panic of 1907 Blamed on Teddy Roosevelt's reforms Election of 1908 William Taft (Rep.) vs. William Jennings Bryan (Dem.) TR had selected Taft as his replacement, felt Taft would continue his reforms Taft won, primary because of TR's record and because Bryan came off as too radical President Taft Wanted lower tariffs, but got the Payne-Aldritch Tariff, which raised tariffs Tariffs were primary source of government income, but high tariffs meant high price of goods for the common man 1909 - Pinchot-Ballinger controversy Ballinger sold park land to coal companies, Pinchot told Taft Taft took no action because he had appointed Ballinger Some people took it as a sign that Taft was not loyal to TR's ideals 1910 - TR decided to retake control of the Republican party New Nationalism - TR's Progressive platform National government would regulate big business Income and inheritance tax, workers' compensation Regulation of child and women's labor TR wanted LaFollette as a presidental candidate, but LaFollette had a mental breakdown 1912 - TR at Republican nomination convention TR asked Republicans to back Progressive reforms Instead, delegates nominated Taft TR formed his own party - Progressive party (or Bull Moose party) Election of 1912 Taft (Rep.) vs. Woodrow Wilson (Dem.) vs. TR (Progressive) Wilson was also a progressive, ran on New Freedom platform Nearly the same as Roosevelt's platform Wanted to break up trusts instead of just regulating them Brandeis was Wilson's political advisor Republican split ensured an easy victory for Wilson President Wilson's reforms 1913 - 16th Amendment - income tax Underwood-Simmons tariff - reduced tariffs Federal Reserve Act Created federal reserve banking system Subjected all banks to federal regulation Wilson didn't break up trusts, but did regulate them Federal Trade Commission - regulated for unfair business practices Keating-Owen Act - regulated child labor Clayton Act - expanded Sherman Anti-trust Act International Affairs Teddy Roosevelt - "Big Stick" Diplomacy Used military force in foreign affairs Portsmouth Treaty TR negotiated peace agreement ending Russo-Japanese War Favored Japan 1903 - Panama U.S. encouraged Panama to declare indepedence from Columbia, so U.S. could build canal 1904 - Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Gave U.S. right to interfere in Latin America 1905 - U.S. took over Dominican Republic William Taft - Dollar Diplomacy U.S. would intervene to protect economic investments Used money to solve disputes Woodrow Wilson - Moral Diplomacy U.S. should intervene for ethical reasons U.S. would be the conscience of the world, make world safe for democracy 1913 - Huerta became dictator of Mexico in a coup Wilson offered to send U.S. troops to aid Huerta's opposition 1914 - Dolphin incident Sailors from the Dolphin arrested on shore leave in Mexico Wilson demanded apology and 21-gun salute to U.S. flag on Mexican land Mexico refused to do the salute Wilson seized Veracruz, weakened Huerta and allowed Carranza to take over 1916 - Carranza would not adopt social reforms in Mexico Pancho Villa attacked Southwestern U.S. Villa blamed U.S. for putting Carranza in power U.S. declared war on Pancho Villa U.S. never caught him and eventually gave up